Feeling Lucky?

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Saturday, June 30, 2007

舔着吃。咬着吃。含着吃冰棒 猜谁结婚了!













爆笑 XD 哇咔咔!

Pirates of the Caribbean - Part 3 (Finally at World's End)

"Oh, I look like Johnny Depp.
The scrupulous Book Dealer in The Ninth Gate"

I also don't know what to say now. I am a girl, i am a guy and now i do look like Jack Sparrow, 1 of the crew of Pirates of the Carribean trilogy!!! Wakaka, too bad i don't act in the Pirates of the Carribbean Part 3 - At the world's End. If not, i can act as a clone of Captain Jack Sparrow.


Kareena Kapoor? Mandy Moore? Erm... ok, What do you think?

And who is the old man Noam Chomsky and Richard Wright?

p/s: After 3 days being crazy over myheritage.com, it is time to get back to my usual daily life. I think this is the last volume of "Special Issue: My Celebrity Secret".

Friday, June 29, 2007

I am a girl @@!!! Part 2

"I am not a girl, not yet Ueto Aya?"


还有,Ueto Aya和我同一年生的,她是日本人,出生日期 - 1985年9月14日,身高 - 1.62米 (我高她五点点。。。lol)。

Jesse Mccartney,美國著名流行音樂歌手,不错一下。天,我和他有3/4相像。他有可能是我年久失散的弟弟。(好废的话)

还有,木村拓哉 Takuya Kimura 咯。瓦,他像我么?我可以考虑到他家里玩一玩,顺便看他的老婆工藤靜香和他们的孩子。木村拓哉,木村神話,连续剧神話喔。不过,不知你们有没有发现,我的第一张照片和第二张照片都有木村拓哉 Takuya Kimura 出现?一个年轻出道版,一个成熟版。


后记:Lee Hyori 好像面熟。我wikipedia一下,李孝利是她的中文名。现在28的她单飞了。

- English -


不知你们有没有发觉,我的同样两张照片,myheritageworld.com竟然可以给我两个天差地别的celebrity face照片。一个是side view,一个是upper front view而已嘛。

酱讲,看side view,我像男的;看upper front view,我像女的?你们看一看,是不是这样?




我变 我变 我变变变!!!


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wow! I am a celebrity! Part 1

Hello? Who can tell me, who are those celebrities? I only know Vivian Hsu (Is it the 大S小S? or 徐若瑄?), Kim Tae Hee (I know this korean girl 金泰希。。。Love in Harvard!!!愛在哈佛!!!我的爱!!!我追看得戏!!!) and Tony Leung (梁朝伟,哇,人家是影帝来的。这也说明,我有59%影帝的料。。。仆仆)

But the most pokai problem is... who is that guy, Yuudi Li? (His fan club don't pok me ok? I really don't know who is him. If you know, please tell me... sob sob sob... T.T) I google and wikipedia already, but i can't find any information about him. I have a heart breaking feeling now. Wa....ahh....wa....ahhh...... ~~

Ok, this is part1. Tomorrow i will continue with Part2.

There are in total 3 Part of Celebrity Show. See you at next celebrity show. ==+

More about Celebrity:
  • Son Ye-Jin - Korean popular Actress, acts in April Snow (外出) with Bao Yong Joon (裴勇俊)
  • Bic Ruuga - Detail unknown
  • Ville Valo - Finland Rock band singer

Hack Your Window Vista in 10 seconds!

"What will happen if you press "Window" Logo key + "E" key more than 10 seconds?"

"Window Explorer will be opened unlimited until your Window Vista OS is crashed"

For the Window Vista users, becareful that you must not press "Window" Logo button + "E" button key more than 10 seconds. If not, your Window Vista will be corrupted/crashed/restarted and you will lost your unsaved file/information/detail/data in a speed more than you can't imagined.

Don't try this unless you want to risk your computer for fun.

This is a OS security vulnerability.

p/s: Too bad i don't have Window Vista OS inside my laptop. If not, i can test this bug myself for fun. ==+

今天,你中奖了!恭喜!A Lucky Draw Trap

Original Text: 方块字的空间 - 应付电话中奖骗子教学 by

“今天,你中奖了!” 之一部曲 - 大战前传

这种小事别烦我,去接洽我的秘书处,什么?没有电话,那你记下,01-2345678,或者012-444 4444 (你最讨厌人的电话)


喂?喂喂?喂喂喂? 我听不见,线路很差,你7分钟后再打来.(每次相同的人打来都用一样的说法)

为什么你要在这种时候打给我?你知不知道我很忙的?刚才老板才无端端又扣我工资,同事又不帮忙,出到大门口那只该死的黄狗又乱拉屎了,天气又热到半死不下雨,过路费又要起价了你要浪费电话费打给我,我知道你要跟我讲我中奖了,是就干脆直接汇过来不要麻烦我什么手续费律师费的,我很忙的你知不知道,他妈的那个警察又开罚单了,家里电费水费Astro费又还没有还...那个老千还不醒目你就骂到甘愿为止吧,怎么收尾? - 我骂完了,你爽吗?我很爽,谢谢你给我骂,再见!"


“今天,你中奖了!” 之二部曲 - 高潮


直接干脆 "打错了,没这个人"(直接盖电话)


“今天,你中奖了!” 之三部曲 - 完结篇


"岂有此理,区区三十万你也好意思送?你知不知道我一分钟股票上下多少?上个礼拜那个两百万我还在考虑要不要考虑接受呢.三十万?这种小数目给你当作电话费吧,我不需要了,还有记得!以后没有千万以上别烦我,对了, 是千万美金.我不收不值钱的亚洲货币."(一口气说完不让老千插嘴就直接盖电话,你会觉得这种号练的感觉很爽!)


来来,开口开麦,无论欢迎。要丢炸弹的,不要把我的部落格炸爆,我还要的。HiHi ~~

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Today 50% Discount! 超便宜!因我的弟弟进UM!











我要恭喜我的弟弟,他进UM咯。。。yeah yeah 6月29日到KL,7月2日开学咯。


还有,什么是aza aza fighting? 我看了好久,还是不懂。不过,可以拿来助威一下。。。

Aza Aza Fighting...............

后记:他好像将会和我同一年2010年毕业叻,haiz,我好像好老的样子。他spm - matriculation - um,还是恭喜他啦。


- English -
Yeah Yeah, my younger brother will be entering UM soon. Congratulation to him. UM wor... good lor... i would say. (Haha, this manglish shows that i am quite sarcastic with UM, but nevertheless, i still wish him all the best at UM!)

Sigh, my brother already brought the airticket, if i know that there is 50% airfare discount from MAS, i will tell him to buy it today. 50% and it is MAS airline, worth it! Haha, not meh?

Term and Condition for 50% discount airfare:
  • must be a student (so... i am a student also. What is a big news about that?)
  • with original & photocopied enrollment letter of university as proof, with valid MyKad (You will keep the original letter, MAS officers will take your photocopied letter as attachment.)
  • the flight date must be not late than 5 days booking in advance. (This 1 easy also. I buy ticket 2 months in advance.... ==+)
  • the booking period is from 26/6/2007 till 15/7/2007.
  • the promotion lasts till 30/7/2007.
  • valid for most main city - Kuala Lumpur air flight.
  • costs in between rm175 (kuching-KL) - rm280 (tawau-KL)
  • extra free 10kg weight allowance. (That means you can bring in total 30kg of luggage!)

Although i don't know the meaning of Aza aza fighting (i read too much blogs lately, and i find so many interesting vocabulary from their blogs.), but it sounds cool and hopefully nobody will scold me for copy-righted-their-blogging-style-of presentation-so-directly.

aza aza fighting.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cake Cake Cake !!!!

"时间停留于26/6/2007 6.21pm"

我的生日蛋糕。。。简单,但我吃的快乐,高兴。我不知道在德国哪里能买/预定一个生日蛋糕,所以他们也不能买到生日蛋糕咯。。。(哈哈。若在马来西亚,so einfach! 超简单。Secret Recipe咯。)






p/s: Cemara is the hostel that i live when i study at INTEC, Uitm. INTEC stands for International Education Center. Uitm stands for University Teknology Malaysia. Uitm main campus is located at section 2, Shah Alam and INTEC is 1 of the Uitm campus, which is located at section 17, Shah Alam.

More about Kolej Cemara (click here), Intec (click here), Uitm (click here).

Monday, June 25, 2007

Flash Fetish mp3 Player

"Search for this icon to play the mp3"

Yes! Finally! Hooray! After an hour and 30 minute of trial and error, i manage to embed a flash mp3 player into my blog. (i sacrifice my sleeping to move my butt to make it succeed. and now i am so contented and satisficed with it. Trial and error is not a good move, but it is indeed the best way if you put effort into it.)

If someone is using feed to read my blog, you will notice that i wrote a blog about this mp3 flash player 2 hours earlier, but i deleted it after i found out that the mp3 that is linked to the mp3 flash player is slow and the mp3 flash player was suddenly malfunction. Out of anger i delete the whole blog and remove the whole mp3 flash player. Now i rewrite the article.

Recently, i embed many JavaScript item into my blog. I hope that the Javascript will not slow down the loading page of my Stand Alone Complex.

The song that i play with the mp3 flash player:
温柔 - 五月天 ( I also use part of this song lyric for my MSN personal message. I find it quite suitable with my blog display picture also. Hehe...)

p/s: I will continue to blog about this mp3 flash player tomorrow. I am so sleepy and tired now.

pp/s: A idea about embedding a mp3 flash player comes from a blog that i read.

ppp/s: What do you think about the mp3 flash player? Voice out your opinion? Either the loading time is noticeably slow or your website don't support JavaScript? Let me know and i will improve it.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


I am quite interesting in using this software (but i don't think that it is a software anyway), just i don't know how to use it. It seems to be a server platform, instead of software. I need to have Apacer/php/ network server. (OK, i also don't know what is that, although Casper told me before. "The internet is mainly consisted of 4 blah blah blah, which is Apacer, php, blah blah blah and blah blah..." >.<. So Internet = blah + blah + blah + blah. ==!!)

1 of the reasons that i want to try this Tattertools is that i like the IP trackback 逆向连接function. Haha... knowing who is viewing you, how they find this internet address, how many people are visiting your site, blah blah blah and blah blah blah. ==+

And also the Read/Hide function.

Cool man ~~ More about Tattertools:

  1. Newbie FAQ Installer (unofficial - Mandarin)

p/s: Today is 23th of June, 5 days after Dragon Boat Festival.

pp/s: After reconsidering about photo-linking, i conclude that i shall not use other people Teaching FAQ photo to show the content of TATTERTOOLs without the owner's permission 1st. For more Tattertools Usage, , Go to 白雪不是公主 -
部落格教学 - Tattertools. Click her 部落格教学.

ppp/s: Or anyone who surf my blog has better suggestion? Any free webware that i can use and have the same function as above?

pppp/s: For own record, the command line of this article is somehow malfunctioning. The line break doesn't work properly. Attention, King Ung.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007




我:(在zzz,不知妈妈send msg 过来。。。) <---这可原谅

u not pratical meh?

我:(还在zzz。。。和周公的女儿flirt泽 )《---hor?????

妈妈:u there?

我:(天!睡虫还在zzz,我正要亲嘴。。。不要吵我啦!) ==!!!

妈妈:tis saturday is ur chinese lunar birhtday le...so mom wana say happy birthday to u....




还记得,我自己煮好吃的海鲜面(酸甜的炸花虾配Gulash肉酱,2粒鸡蛋),然后看电脑,边吃边看Youtube和chit-chat-ing。那一天的我,好废。。。=.=? 想起来,那天的我是不是sot了?

今年有了妈妈酱的一句话,还是一个人,又任何? 更何况,我今年开心多了。。。

p/s: Thank you 一千个感谢 to
  1. 妈妈,爸爸,弟弟,妹妹
  2. youngyew,长扬
  3. michael,和希
  4. 我自己
  5. ~:*:白雪不是公主:*:~,琬婷
  6. The Net Storey - Mars & Venus , 一个男生和一个女生
  7. Ivy Moh
  8. qqangel, 粉红天使
  9. Jerry Tan
  10. 天使,wan yee
  11. ning, 旅宁
  12. meilina
  13. vlynn
  14. jhan yhan
  15. kuis
  16. karsten
  17. desmond
  18. syafiq
  19. meng wai
  20. ngar shien
  21. fatimah
  22. Trisha (List as on 26/6)
  23. 我的朋友们 (怒我不一一说)

pp/s: 来看一看我的酸甜炸花虾+Gulash肉酱+意大利面



itadakimasu ^^


ppp/s: Don't confuse about me and the reason of me writing this article about my lunar birthday or my birth-day. Neither do i alone nor depressed. I just want to make a comparision about my 2006 birth-day and my coming 2007 birth-day, although it might be same and is a usual day for other people, cause i seldom tell other about my birth-day. Moreover, my birthday is always near exam (sigh), everyone are rushing for their exams. Wish all the friends out there who are having exams now or soon, Good luck and Gambateh!!

Just, i am too free now, cause my practical period is relatively easy and i have nothing to do, except blogging, sleeping, MSN-ing, cooking, preparing my practical report and internet surfing.

Monday, June 18, 2007




The poem that i write just now is a kind of Haiku 俳句.

You can read more about Haiku here (english) or here (Chinese).

Thank to Boon Phiaw.

p/s: It is raining outside and my mood is low now. Pardon me. I want to sleep at 10.30pm. Good night to all.

端午节快乐 Happy Dragon Boat Festival




无任如何,在此,我祝你们大家“端午节快乐 Happy Dragon Boat Festival”!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Google Reader

Strange, my Google Reader isn't functioning as it is used to be. Is it that i add too much feed to it? Impossible, it only happens starting from this week. Something is not right now... but i don't know the actual problem.

%§"!%~+#* Have to manual "go" to the webpage and read it. >.<

Friday, June 15, 2007

Damm the Labels...

TMD! 靠! After 2 hours of re-editing my labels, i am now very frustrated indeed. So, i decide to remove all the labels from my blogs. Hahaha...

p/s: 酱都行...我的天呀... 没办法, 本少爷火气大了,不玩了! ==

What actually happens the next day (隔天重大案件):

一天过后。。。labels *Events* edit 好了。Hooray.....

p/s: Re-edit Labels (Event) is also a hard job. Now i only know that... hahaha... (can only laugh now, with bits of sigh)



端午節, or so called "zhong zhi jie", or Dragon Boat Festival, or simply "duan wu jie", is 1 of the chinese celebrations that i like very much, besides that i can eat a lots of delicious tasty nice mouth watering meat dumplings, 香喷喷的粽子 (we name it "zhong zhi" in Mandarin).

Why? Because 端午節 is on Chinese Lunar Calender 5th of 5th Lunar Month and 9th of 5th Lunar Month is my Lunar Birthday. So, everytime i think of 端午節, i am thinking about my lunar birthday. Before i leave my home to go oversea to pursue my study at Germany, my mother will cook(or make?) meat dumplings 粽子s, which is super big in size, you can't buy it outside de 1 (i know this is not grammatically correct, but i just want to use this broken english, sounds more resonance with others), the size is at least 3x bigger than those sell at pasar. Just thinking that out of 1kg of rice, you can only make 7-8 dumplings 粽子s. Haha, i always miss my mother hand-made meat dumpling, although i havn't eat that last year (2006) and for this year, i will miss it again. Hei!! My beloved dumpling, where are you..........? Sob Sob... 香喷喷的粽子... You don't want to see me again, isn't it? ==!!!

Enough of dumpling. I want to eat real dumpling!!!! DHL-ing me dumpling... fai fai ==+


p/s: Just write this article about 端午節 and 粽子 when i am too bored with my working schedule. Expect some add-on later when i reach my home at 6pm.

External link: 粽子

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Praxis Episode 3 - Time is not enough

Ok, here comes the 3rd episode of my practical training - The time is not enough. ==!!

Normally, i start my practical from 9-4, but lately, my workload has been increased, till i need to wake up as early as 5am in the morning (i can die if like that.... happens everytime... help!!! ~~) and reach my working company early in the morning, and finish my work at 6pm, and when i reach my home, it is almost 8pm and i am exhausted.

Still Single-ing, i feel kinda hateful, cooking my delicious meal alone, preparing the dishes, then eat without enjoying the food... wah... i think that i kinda waste the food, using my tired body, and my more and more numb taste bud (all thank to the super germany food lah... they put so many taste enchancement ingredient... until i need to drink so many water after eating those food. But i have to eat it, as there is the only canteen/restaurant available at my working company, needless to say... a super big research center, the biggest research center inside germany, 90% funded by Germany Government, although it is owned by private company. Quite contradict, oder? (Oder in German language, means isn't it?)

Haha, argh... i am having a headache now... Damm painful... Tomorrow still need to work... eee... don't want don't want, lying to my boss that i fall sick for 1 day.... Hahaha, ==+

Aiyo, don't be so lazy... Go Go finish what you left... Ok lah... enough rumbling... Bye!


我好想回到大学校园,和我的朋友一起玩,一起上课。。。没有工作烦恼。但是。。。这个学期,是实习学期,我必须在公司实习。。。那么就做一个快乐的实习生吧!有salary拿,还不错喔~~ lalalala.....

Monday, June 11, 2007

温柔, 谢谢你的温柔。。。


S.H.E 和飞轮海

This are the songs that i like very much. Thank you for all the kindness and caring that my friends bestow upon me. I appreciate it, yes, my friends. Because of you all, i can continue to walk my journey of life.




Sunday, June 10, 2007


This youtube clip is about Muar's Chinese. Many of you might view it before, but what i want to say here is....

It has been pirated!! Wow, it is so popular that even it has been pirated-copyrighted by the pirate vendors.... (speechless)

But, kudos!!!

Credit to 麻坡人的華語

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


为什么婚戒要带在无名指上? Why must wedding ring be on the ring finger, but not other fingers? This is a small test about ring finger.









Well, this blog is not about wedding ring neither ring finger, but it is about a married couple and their love relationship, just like we can't separate ring finger so easily in the situation above.

I will include picture about how to conduct this small test.
Picture speaks thousand words.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Getting drunk

Haha, getting drunk is not nice at all. I vomit 3 time... haiz... next time shall not drink so much alcohol. (erm... i mean, shall not experiment with those high alcohol volume concentration alcoholic drink. 40%, 1 glass = drunk... ==)

Luckily i am not studying this semester. If not, i am in death mode by now.

Hahaha... the side-effect still affect me after a long long sleep.

Oh ya, i shall remember this day. 2/6 11pm, alone, drunk, vomit and helpless.

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