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Friday, July 13, 2007

13th Friday


I don't know if 13th Friday is a bad day for other people, but it is not a bad day for me, actually i am indeed very happy, because i finish my exam on 13th July (YES, it is today!). Hooray! The feeling after exam is so nice ~~

I will enjoy myself soon. Lalala... if you read my previous announcement carefully, you will know what will happen to me next. Too bad i update the announcement already. Wait for me bah... ~~

End of Diary



  1. 全球溫室效應持續發酵,各地氣候反常,英國提早入冬,美國則酷暑不退,多個地區出現火爐氣候!
  2. 在歐洲,雖然目前是夏季,但西歐卻受寒流侵襲,預測英國下週更將結霜,法國也出現潮濕寒冷的天氣。
  3. 在大西洋另一邊的美國東岸,卻受熱浪侵襲,而南美洲阿根廷首都也因異常寒流來襲,出現百年一遇的降雪。
  4. 整個歐洲及大西洋東岸繼續受低壓槽影響,大部份地區天氣不穩定及寒冷。
  5. 美熱浪涉拉妮娜現象?專家:言之過早。拉妮娜現象是由於東太平洋海水表面溫度持續6個月比正常低0.5℃或以上所引起。
  6. 拉妮娜跟與之相反的厄爾尼諾現象,和全球暖化有否關係,至今並無定論,儘管有論者猜測全球暖化會令上述現象更強和周期更頻密。


马铃薯比基尼妹妹 said...

global warming,很久以前就是issue了,只是近年来较为严重了吧,才被大事宣传

King Ung said...


correct. a summer which is not hot is weird, although i prefer it. Haha...

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