Well, 31st August is Malaysian Independence Day. My friends and I have make a short introduction about Malaysia brief history and as well as set up a new Theme Blog about Germalaysiany.
Short review of Malaysia' s History :1)马六甲王朝.Empire of Melaka
Parameswara took a stroll with his dogs all the way from Sumatra to Melaka
(Peninsula), end up his dog got bullied by a mouse deer.
For revenge on behalf of his doggie, he took the land as his country and named Melaka.
2)殖民时期. Colonial period
Portugal (Afonso de Albuquerque): We want spices! ..... They occupied Melaka荷兰:我要锡米!。。。同上
Netherland (Willemson Kaatokoe) : We want pewter! ......same as above.英国也占领了马来西亚,为什么?
Great Britain did the same thing, but why?
Great Britain (George Canning): We don’t why we did it , when the others did it , why don’t we?
3)第二次世界大战. World War II (Japanese Forced Occupation Period)
Japanese troops took us down from north with bicycle.
Thailand: I will give way! Please don’t occupy us!
End result, Picture explained all.
4)马来亚独立 1957年.Malaya Independence day 1957
Tunku Abdul Rahman took his kaki lead his parliament members to Great Britain to pueh to negotiate.
Tunku: We want independance ! Since you heck care me don’t give a damn about me, no phone call ,no sms , not even a email!! , Let us just break up!
Great Britain: Then good, I wish you all the best then!
Tunku(in heart): It happened so drastic ? damn it! I prepared 10 pages of ' reasons for breaking up' .....
5)马来西亚成立与拆伙. The united of Malaya and separation of Singapore from Malaysia.
Cassava (ubi keledek) , dog and egg cook in a pot , stew to thick sauce.
In between , with the tears of Lee Kuan Yew, the egg is withdrawn.
That’s all for a Malaysia recipe.
6)领导人功绩. Our Leader.
东姑 1957-1970,13年
1st Prime Minister for 13 years
Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halimshah
Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaiming Malayan independence.
东姑:Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Tunku : ¬Independence ! Independence ! Independence !
Tom, Dick and Harry : What is the time now ! §$%/%&/ We need some sleep!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------拉萨 1970-1976,6年
Tun Abdul Razak b. Hussein.
2nd Prime Minister for 6 years
Father of Development
Sucessfully controlled 13 May Riot.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------胡先翁 1976-1981,5年
3rd Prime Minister for 5 years
Tun Hussein Bin Dato’ Onn
Hardwork for country’s unity
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------马哈迪 1981-2003,22年
Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad.
4th Prime Minister for 22 years
Discovered Former Deputy Prime Minister’s (Anwar) secret
Mahathir : I know what you did last summer ( noted : no season in Malaysia)
Anwar : ah ? How did you know that I use my thumb for nose digging? neh neh neh neh neh neh~~
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------阿都拉 2003-现在
Yang Amat Berhormat Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi
Now - 5th Prime Minister
In love with his beloved wife
2005年10月20 日 妻子恩顿逝世
20. October 2005 The death of his beloved wife, Endon Mahmood
2006年3月7日 我要再婚?谣言来的啦!~~
7 March 2006 I want to remarried ? It MUST be a rumor!
2006年6月9日 和珍妮结婚
6.June 2006 married with Jeanne Abdullah (former name: Jeanne Danker)
7)法律面前人人平等. Equal Rights Amendment
言论自由:Freedom of speech
"If you cannot fight rape, better lay down and enjoy it." - Haji Roselan Johar Mohamed (Kota Kinabalu Umno pro tem head, Barisan Nasional)
"Malays will kill Chinese, Chinese will kill Malays, Indians will kill everybody else." - Tengku Adnan (Tourism Minister, Barisan Nasional )
都没问题,但是篡改国歌除外。 no problem to say these, but not altering the National Anthem to a rap song. Find out why -here
8) 社会治安:National Security
Rape, Robbery, Stealing , Accidents ,countless. example here
The goats from Prime Minister were even stolen!!
If one nation can be prosperous and safe, why do we still need democracy and freedom of speech? (Quote from namewee)
This article is forwarded from Germalaysiany: http://germalaysiany.blogspot.com
It is a brand new Theme Blog which will be focusing on food, travel, management, lifestyle and art.
Please have a visit and share our information there.