Do you ever wonder that every Friday, why a fish dish will appear on the menu? And why is it Friday that a fish dish will appear on the menu?
Read a short Mandarin novel that i write at other blog: 冥王星的殿:伊伊的鱼看过来 and i will tell you the reason behind it. Sorry, it is in Mandarin, and i am lazy to translate it into English. Sorry for English readers.
“德鱼,你又打听到什么消息吗?” 一个低沉的声音在一个狭小的空房间里响起。
“。。。什么消息。。。么消息。。。消息。。。息。。。?” 回声在相应着。
兮兮兮兮。。。兮兮兮兮。。。那是叶子的声音? 还是一阵风?脚步声好像停了。停了?难道他们发觉了?察觉到有人附近? “快快快!我们铁定要把那些杀手逮扑,抓拿归案!十个都不能少!” 一个洪亮的嗓子在呼唤着。
“德鱼,你没事吧?我看你有点不太对劲。你是否。。。”低沉的话还未完,一个年轻的话就打断那话。 “鱼老,我没事,没事。一点毒箭,奈我如何!" “好好,我相信你,我,鱼老,鱼称我鱼毒,不是盖的。毕竟,你在我门下也不少时间了,你也有偷学我一半毒功呢,可不是吗?哈哈哈” 低沉的笑声,有点怪怪的。那就是鱼老的笑声了。与其说是奸笑,倒不如说是鱼笑!
“德鱼,今天已是星期五了,星期五了!五!五!我爱你!” 鱼老开怀的说着。是是是!德鱼闭起双眼,开始他的独门打坐,无力的回答。
“德鱼,鱼老,你们的天命就到此。看我,电鱼花枪!看枪!” 电鱼花枪,在鱼林武功排名中,是排名第五十位,鱼老的鱼弹功,排名第十位。鱼老的鱼弹指一弹,电鱼华枪立即反弹,电鱼二代的手立即振开,电鱼枪立即向天飞去!只见电鱼二代,没有刚才的威风,没有刚才的自信,站在德鱼五公尺外的距离。
“什么?死到临头?你好大的口气。。。” 电鱼二代话未说完,身体已僵硬,动不得。
“我,鱼老,鱼老的名,可不是烂的虚名。你忘了吗,今天是星期五,星期五,是我的天地。黑色星期五,是我的鱼毒,天下第十毒。你,今天见到了我,又中了我的黑色星期五鱼毒,你说,不是死到临头,是什么? 你的师傅,就是死在我的黑色星期五毒上。。。”
Jesus Christ died on Good Friday. In order to remember this day, the Christian will eat fish todayon that special day, or non-meat dish, or simply become vegetarian. The reason behind this is to remember the death of Jesus Christ.
But, they can also eat meat. There is no strict law that Christian must eat fish on Friday, every Friday.
This condition applies to Christian in Germany. I have no idea about this tradition at other countries. But in Malaysia, Christian don't have this tradition. I wonder... is this cultural difference?
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Black Friday
Dimensioned by
King Ung
at Singularity Point -
10:11 AM
Events: Germany-ing, Special Issue: 2007
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There are Catholics who practise not eating meat but fish on Friday too..
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