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Saturday, March 31, 2007

astronomy wonder : 太空炮弹 (astro bullet)

Just review my draft and find this interesting astronomy picture. Can you guess what has happend?

For those who can read chinese word, your answer can be found below or read the text i copied from the website.

For the english reader, i will summarize the picture.



The bright white colour astro bullets are actually consisted of high pressure gas, which has a speed of 400 km/s, is 1000x the speed of sound.

Those astro bullets are made of iron atom. They are in "boilling state" now due to consistent collision between them. The orange trail left by them is their shockwave, which has length of 1/5 light year.

Those astro bullets can be found near Orion nebula. And Orion Constellation is more popular among us right_







original link

Thank you for your reading. I still have some nice picture about astronomy inside my draft collection. Will compile it and blog it at a later time. Till next astronomy show.

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